Young Jedi Adventure Games

Young Jedi Adventure Games - check all the 1 Games

A Star Wars story filled with adventures, races in space and lightsaber fights, and a young Master Yoda ready to train the Jedi fighters.

We are excited for all the new adventures that are coming. Up next, we are going to present for you guys the brand new Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventure story, from which you will manage to find amazing little challenges, little online games, stories and cartoons that you can watch with your friends, brothers or sisters. The Star Wars trilogy is one of the most popular in the world, and starting from today, you will manage to find the Young Jedi Adventures games right here on our website, a click away once you find our category!


This is a new Disney+ story, a cartoon made for kids that are too young to have known the original Star Wars story, and it’s a really exciting spin, as all the characters in these new games are going to be babies or kids. The very first sights of the Young Jedi Adventures started back in 2022, when the first images, trailers and ideas of this show started to appear online. The very first “episodes” were released on youtube in 2023, where little short stories of the Young Jedi Adventures show could have been seen by kids all around the world.


Disney released this awesome story on May 4, 2023, and it was a real hit. Kids all around the world falled in love with the characters and this new spin for the Star Wars original story. Originally, only one season of the Young Jedi Adventures was released, but rest assure, the season 2 of the series is set to appear online on Disney+ in 2024, on August 14, so stay tunned, because brand new online Young Jedi Adventures games are going to appear right here in this new category once the show releases.


The spin of Star Wars


As this is not a new story, you will see that there are going to be plenty of Easter eggs in Young Jedi Adventures from the Star Wars story that everybody knows, with princess Leah or Luke Skywalker. The story will take place during the High Republic era, and that ‘s a long time before the Star Wars sotry originally started. The main characters of this story will bee little kids, which are trying to become Jedi, and master the Force.  Just like any other true warrior, you will see that fighting and using the Force is not the only thing that the main characters of the Young Jedi Adventures games will learn. They will also train their high scences like hearing, sight, compassion, self-discipline, teamwork, patience and ultimately, all these skills combined, to make them the best Jedi Knights.


Inside the show, you will see that the theme will be very sci-fi oriented, the action taking place in space, on different planets which will more or less look like planet Earth, Mars or Pluto. You will have a lot of fun playing our Young Jedi Adventures games because you will see a lot of adventures from the show inside these challenges, and you will be yourselves young Jedi Warriors. Being an adventure story for kids, you will see that the action will include fighting, a lot of puzzles, and races between the kids on small gadgets that will look like motorcycles or cars, but with a very futuristic spin, which will make them look and drive very differently as you would be used to in classic car games, racing games, motorcycle games or ATV games that you can already find here on our website.


We are sure that you will love this new category, and that you will see how the Young Jedi Adventures characters will welcome you in their world with open arms, as they are willing to make new friends all over the Galaxy, which also includes our planet. After you start playing the online Young Jedi Adventures games, you will also have a new topic to talk with your friends in school, and see how far or how many points you have gathered, and match them with your friends, which will even make you be more competitive.


Jedi adventures


We are waiting for you guys with one of the most exciting games that you can find online in the new Young Jedi Adventures category, and it’s called Galactic Training. This is a very exciting game for boys, in which you will have the chance to train for the first time with the Jedi in space. The game will be very easy to be played, you will just have to use the MOUSE to control the buttons in the menu, and start by moving the characters using the A, S, W, D keys on the keyboard to go left, right, jump or duck. You will enter a brand new Star Wars world, and you will see how everything will have a positive spin, even though you will train to fight, but most importantly, it’s going to be about discipline, and start to make the right decisions in the right moment, so that the outcome is a positive one.


Once you are going through the Young Jedi Adventures episodes, you will start to fall in love with the story, and of course, with the characters, so we are also going to present some of them, and see which one is your favorite. Kai Brightstar is one of them, and he is a boy Jedi, who wants to make Master Yoda proud through his training, so you will see that he is going to be the tryharder of the series. You have just met the very first Young Jedi Adventures character from Disney and the new Star Wars story, so you deserve a round of aplause. It is not over yet, so you will find the remaining characters shortly. Nash Durango, is one of Kai’s friend, and he is one of the very best young ship pilots in the series, and you will always see him finding a ship to pilot, and also he can be a really good mechanic if something breaks down. Lys Solay is one of the girl Jedi trainees, and you will always see that she will be beside Kai, as they are best friends.


Master Yoda is also a very important character in this series, and you will see him look much younger than the character in the original Star Wars movies, which will make him be even closer to the young Jedi warriors that are learning by his side, even though they are not always 100% listening to Yoda’s instructions.


We are happy to see you guys here with us, and searching for the coolest Young Jedi Adventures games from Disney, and we are sure that you will find at least one new favorite game in this category, and you will see how much fun you can have playing free Young Jedi Adventures challenges right here on our website. Have fun!

Is Young Jedi Adventures a Star Wars movie?

Yes, this is considered to be before the Star Wars original movie.

Are Young Jedi Adventures already Jedi?

No, they are kids that are training with Yoda to become Jedi.

Is this a Disney story?

Yes, Disney is the creator of Star Wars, and Young Jedi Adventures is as well.

Where can we watch Young Jedi Adventures?

The first season of Young Jedi Adventures can be watched on Disney+

How many seasons does the Young Jedi Adventures series have?

Now, there is 1 season released, and Season 2 is coming in 2024