Monica Gang Games
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- Monica Gang Games
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Today the administrative team of has decided to offer you the category dedicated to the characters from the animated series Monica’s Gang. Herein this new and fun online category you are invited to join your newest friends and get to know them better.
Let us move further with the categories for today and bring you new categories of games, new categories in which we are more than sure that you will have a lot of fun while playing with some of your favourite characters. Today the administrative team of has decided to offer you the category dedicated to the characters from the animated series Monica’s Gang. Herein this new and fun online category you are invited to join your newest friends and get to know them better. Some of you may already know them, so you can only refresh your memory with the next details we have to offer, but for those of you who have not seen of heard of this series before it is crucial that you go through the details that we have to offer, so that you get to know a little about the characters of the series and than play the fun games we have to offer. We are always trying to bring you the best experience during our games, so come and go with us through the next lines and get to know your friends better. After you are done reading these lines we invite you to bring your friends and play together the fun online games that we have to offer especially for you our friends. The story of this series center around the fun and amazing adventures of a girl Monica and her friends who live in the neighbourhood of Limoeiro in San Paolo. The series focuses on the life of Monica and her friends , the many friends that she has due to her fun spirit and personality. Sometimes Monica will have even other friends in her series, friends from other series that play the role of special guest, so we are sure that you will meet them in the games too. Monica has a nemesis, called Jimmy Five who is a bully and a boy looking always for creating troubles around him . Jimmy is always trying to bully Monica and to take her stuffed bunny in order to make her feel bad, but he usually gets hit by her after she returns her bunny. Jimmy Five created different plans against her, traps and other inventions to make her life hard, but Monica is the one winning each time. You will get to know Monica and her friends by playing all the fun games that we have to offer especially for you in this fun category of games. We are sure that you will get to know them better and better as you play all the games we have to offer. Come and join your friends from the animated series Monica’s Gang and have a lot of fun, here on!