Twilight Sparkle Christmas Shopping
31 Dec 2015
Play free Twilight Sparkle Christmas Shopping - My Little Pony Games
Everyone is preparing their homes for Christmas, by shopping and buying all the things they need to cook the best meals, traditional food and whatever else they need for New Years. Well, if you didn't do your Christmas shopping yet, girls, then we invite you to go at the supermarket with one of your favorite cartoon characters from the My Little Pony characters, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight will be the host, this Christmas, for all the cute ponies, and she has to buy everything she doesn't have at home, which means a lot of things, so that she can start getting ready for Christmas and New Years parties. However, Twilight has a long list of items, from different shopping departments, and she would really need some help, because the list is very long and she might forget something, which is not recommended, so, will you girls help her with her shopping? Look on the list of items she needs, for each department, and make sure she only buys what she has on the list. Enjoy!
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