
Spud Saver

  • Date added Spud Saver28 Jan 2015
  • Played Spud Saver7247
  • No of notes Spud Saver9

Play free Spud Saver - Total Drama Games

Welcome to the Total Drama show and island where evryday is a struggle because the contestants are fighting to stay in the competition and not be expelled from the island because all they care is the big money prize that the winner will get. But in this particular Total Drama game there is no word about the contestants, you will not play with them, instead you are playing as yourself and you have to be very handy to make a big score. The Chef, who is in charge with cooking the food for everybody on the island was bored and he decided to play a little game: he gets in a Pythonicus costume, which is some kind of ferocious reptile animal, and decides to not just stack the potato sack in their usual place but to drop them from high above and watch if you can catch them. It won’t be as hard as it sounds because you have a mattress to catch them and you have to bounce them on this mattress in order to take them on the special place that is ready for the spud sacks, that is marked in the left corner of the game. If you are able to take them their you will get points for each sack that lands there, but be very carefoul not to catch the bowling balls because that takes a life of yours. Good Luck!

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How to play

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