Principal Celestia Dress Up
17 Nov 2015
Play free Principal Celestia Dress Up - My Little Pony Games
We have seen how much fun you girls always have in the games within the My Little Pony category, so, we thought that we should surprise you with this new fun game, in which you are going to meet principal Celestia, one of the characters that you girls haven't played with, on our site Today, we have uploaded a really special game within the most special category, a game destined for all of you girls, fans of our site, as we want you to have an amazing time with us. Principal Celestia is a wise character, and also, a beloved principal, of course, and today, she needs your styling advice, as you girls have such a wonderful taste in clothes. What you will have to do, in this game, is to choose an amazing outfit for Principal Celestia, which suits her wonderful personality. Enjoy this fun game, and please, share this experience with your friends, also.
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