Harry Potter Triwizard Tournament
23 Sep 2015
Play free Harry Potter Triwizard Tournament - Harry Potter Games
There is no children in this world that hasn't at least heard of Harry Potter and his life story based from his movie series and books, because, as you might know, the movies are a sequel from the actual books that J.K. Rowling wrote. That's exactly the main reason why we thought that Harry Potter shouldn't be missing from our online gaming site, because we knew that a lot of his fans will be thrilled about our decision to bring him on our special site. Every day, we try to upload more games within this category with Harry Potter, fun games just like this one we've uploaded right now, Harry Potter Triwizard Tournament. As you already know, from the books or from the movies, Harry Potter gets to participate to the Triwizard Tournament. In this new game, you kids will have to help him finish a test from this tournament, by helping him swim into the dark lake, with the mission to destroy the nasty creatures in it. Also, you will have to collect the medicine pills imprinted with the letters G and L, in order to breathe. Good luck kids!
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How to play
Use MOUSE cursor and SPACEBAR.