
Dora Puppy Caring

  • Date added Dora Puppy Caring14 Sep 2015
  • Played Dora Puppy Caring3064
  • No of notes Dora Puppy Caring1

Play free Dora Puppy Caring - Dora Games

Come and be with Dora in this new game we have to offer you today, this is a very fun game because you will have the chance to play not only with Dora, but with a cute, little puppy too, this is Dora’s new puppy and she is very happy she had the chance to get this new pet because she loves pets, but she also knows they need a lot of caring and attention and after all Dora is just a little girl, so she needs your help in this one because she wants to do everything right, she wants to take care of this puppy dog the way it deserves and that’s the reason why she needs your help. So come and try to be her right hand, it is not very difficult if it is two of you, all you realy have to do kids is listen to Dora’s instructions and the puppy will be more than happy. Good luck!

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How to play

Use the MOUSE.
