Team Work
04 Aug 2015
Play free Team Work - Foster Home for Imaginary Friends Games
Team work is very important in real life all the time and we are sure you deffinetely know this already, even if you are still little kids, this is something you learn from your own experience even since you are very small, in the moment you start playing or working with other kids and we are sure you agree on all of this. In this new game with the Foster Home for Imaginary Friends characters, you will learn once again that team work is very important and you will have to work with Mac,Coco , Eduardo and other imaginary friends to save Bloo, who is the best friends of Mac’s, but you surely already knew this detail. we don’t know what Bloo did exactly, but it it not very hard to imagine that he was doing some mischief and he got the Extreme-osaurus angry. Mac and the other friends will save him, help Mac block the bomb of the dinosaur into Coco’s eggs. Good luck!
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How to play
use the ARROW KEYS to move and SPACEBAR to catch the bomb.