
Master Moley Tunnel Dash

  • Date added Master Moley Tunnel Dash21 Nov 2023
  • Played Master Moley Tunnel Dash565
  • No of notes Master Moley Tunnel Dash1

Play free Master Moley Tunnel Dash - Moley Games

We are of course, once again, really happy to give you the chance t play with a new character here on our site, and this time that new character is going to be none other than Moley, os Master Moley as you are going to meet him in this fun new Master Moley Tunnel Dash adventure game, and we really hope you are ready to make a new friend and have a good time. 

As you can see, this Master Moley Tunnel Dash is definitely a game in which your attention and skills are needed. Beside the fact that you get to make a new friend, or become even closer with a friend you already have, Moley, you need to help him get through the tunnel he is driving though in all of the levels of the game. 

You may already know kids that moles are real life animals who live in tunnels under the earth, that is where they feel comfortable and safe, and since we are in the online world where you can get a glimpse of the world of the cute characters from the cartoons you love, Moley is a very special mole, he even has a car and everything. 

So that is why this new game is a Master Moley Tunnel Dash challenge, you are not just walking around or digging with your friend Moley the mole, you are actually helping him drive his car and, of course, you have all kind of obstacles and enemies to avoid, but also a lot of extra points which you can collect. 

So of course that we hope you are going to love this new Master Moley Tunnel Dash and help Moley succeed and get to the finish line in all the levels, which will become more and more challenging. Good luck!

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