
Night Owl vs Early Bird Fun Party

  • Date added Night Owl vs Early Bird Fun Party03 Dec 2022
  • Played Night Owl vs Early Bird Fun Party985
  • No of notes Night Owl vs Early Bird Fun Party28

Play free Night Owl vs Early Bird Fun Party - Princess Games

Elsa and Rapunzel are the two good friends with whom you get to play here on our site in this brand new Night Owl vs Early Bird Fun Party challenge we have for you, and Elsa the Frozen queen is really excited about this occasion because she loves challenges, she loves being competitive and of course that she loves fashion so this new game Night Owl vs Early Bird Fun Party has everything she considers her favorites. 

Rapunzel from Tangled is the second Disney princess present here in this Night Owl vs Early Bird Fun Party, and she is the early bird of the two. She loves fashion and she loves hanging out with her friends, but she is not the biggest fan of late night parties, and this is where she is different from her friend, Elsa. 

So Elsa is indeed a night owl and her friend Rapunzel is an early bird and in this new Night Owl vs Early Bird Fun Party fashion challenge, you get to prepare the girls for a party and you need to dress them up and do their makeovers and everything about their looks should be inspired by the fact that Rapunzel is an early bird and Elsa a night owl. 

Of course that you are going to have separate makeover and dress up levels for each of the Disney princesses, in the end you even get to compare their outfits and maybe see which one is more trendy, but the most important thing is that you friends all have a fun time together. Good luck!

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