
Sweet Love Tester

  • Date added Sweet Love Tester30 May 2022
  • Played Sweet Love Tester794
  • No of notes Sweet Love Tester17

Play free Sweet Love Tester - Girl Games

We are always trying to make you curious with the games we bring to our site, we are trying to make them special and of course we want them to be different from one another because we never want you to get bored, but in the same time we can notice you like a certain type of game and of course that we are trying to bring you more of that particular type of game and that is how we ended up with this new Sweet Love Tester game today which we hope you are going to be curious about.
So come and try out this brand new Sweet Love Tester which is exactly what it sounds to be, a new tester game in which you can test all kind of couples about their compatibility, but while you do that don’t forget that it is indeed just a game, meant for you to have fun, and you shouldn’t get upset either way if you don’t like the results.
So this Sweet Love Tester is a little game in which you can choose two types of testers, so in the first one you get to play the simplified one, you just need to put in the name of the girl and the name of the boy and the game will tell you how compatible they are in a percentage and a little text.
The second, more complex game is one in which you can also write things like weight or years and find out the same thing. You can use this Sweet Love Tester on you and your boyfriend or girlsfriend, you can use it on friends, or even on famous celebrity couples that you may follow, your imagination should know no limits. Good luck!

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How to play

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