Inspector Gadget at the Dentist
10 Jul 2015
Play free Inspector Gadget at the Dentist - Inspector Gadget Games
Even the cartoon characters get to have dental problems, especially when they work a lot, engage in a lot of missions and most probably don’t have time for themselves and wash their teeth properly. This is the reason why your favorite cartoon character, Inspector Gadget, has arrived at the dentist office, or, better said, your dentist office, because in this game you get to play Inspector Gadget’s dentist role. He had some awful teeth pains lately, and he just couldn’t take it anymore, could you help your friend with this? Great! Inspector Gadget at the Dentist is a classic game, in which you have to treat this character as he is your patient and you are his doctor. What you have to do in order to help your friend today, is to complete every mission this game has, successfully, by using the dentist treatments objects on Inspector Gadget’s teeth. We truly believe that you will manage to help your friend with this painful problem. Have fun kids!
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How to play
Use mouse cursor