
Friday Night Funkin vs The Origami King

  • Date added Friday Night Funkin vs The Origami King26 Jun 2021
  • Played Friday Night Funkin vs The Origami King928
  • No of notes Friday Night Funkin vs The Origami King5

Play free Friday Night Funkin vs The Origami King - Friday Night Funkin Games

Hey kids! Wanna try out a brand new Friday Night Funkin game? With this game, I am more than sure that you will have a good play time. These games are some real funs, they can give you the best play time. The time flies when you are with some good friends and you can play a good game, so this is your opportunity to come and play it with your friends, or even alone.

This new game will be the “Friday Night Funkin vs The Origami King”. As you can already tell from the title, in this game you will have a rap battle against the Origami King from the Paper Mario video game. This is a really special game, so make sure you don’t miss it out!

Read the next part of the text if you want to find out more about this game. For starting the game you will have to press enter or space. Now you will be in the main menu part. Here you can find 2 game modes, the story mode and the free play mode. In the story mode you will be able to choose between 3 difficulty levels: easy, normal and hard. In the free play mode, you will have to select the song you want to play in.

Now you can start the game. You will have to use the arrow keys or the w,a,s,d keys. Your goal will be to push on those arrows that are shown on the screen, but in the right time, so when they get to their places. Be careful not to make too many mistakes, or else you will lose the game, but of course you can try again right after.

I hope you will try out this game and that you will like it. I wish you good luck for beating the origami King. You may have to try again a few times but don’t give up because in the end you will win, I am sure! So, good luck then!

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How to play

Use the arrow keys or the w,a,s,d keys
