
Friday Night Funkin vs Sky Full Week

  • Date added Friday Night Funkin vs Sky Full Week07 May 2021
  • Played Friday Night Funkin vs Sky Full Week3195
  • No of notes Friday Night Funkin vs Sky Full Week20

Play free Friday Night Funkin vs Sky Full Week - Friday Night Funkin Games

We see that you like our Friday Night Funkin games so we tought that we should post more games like these on our site, We want you to be able to play your favorite games on our site, so you can do it today too.

You can play the other Friday Night Funkin games too that we have on our site but if you want to you can try something new. Today’s new game will be the „Friday Night Funkin vs Sky Full Week” game.

The point of this game will be the same as the other Friday Night Funkin games, but if you are new here in this game then let me explain it to you a little bit. So in this game you will have to use the arrow keys and because this game can be even played by 2 people u can use the w,a,s,d keys too.

As you start the game you will see in the menu that you can choose between 2 game moddes. There is the story mode and the freeplay. You can choose between three levels: easy, normal and hard. In each level the tempo is getting faster and faster. If you are a beginner I suggest you to start in the easy mode because even the easy mode is quite fast. But if you think that you can go with the faster ones then you can choose the normal or the hard one. Your task is to push the buttons that are shown on the screen. You can make mistakes a few times but if you don’t do it right too many times then the game will be over.

I hope you will enjoy this game as well and i wish you a great time playing this game. Good luck kids!

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How to play

Use the arrow keys and the w,a,s,d keys
