
Critical Strike Global Ops

  • Date added Critical Strike Global Ops23 Dec 2020
  • Played Critical Strike Global Ops1682
  • No of notes Critical Strike Global Ops9

Play free Critical Strike Global Ops - Counter Strike Games

All the Counter Strike fans from our website are going to have a great time playing today the brand new Critical Strike Global Ops game for children, in which you have to make sure that you can defend the map and defeat all the opponents inside the game.

You can see that this is a new online 3D action and adventure game for boys, in which you dear kids will be Counter Strike characters, and your main job is to defend the map from all the terrorists, and for that you have to use the A, S, W, D keys on the keyboard and make sure that you can reach the end of the challenge.

For you to control the aim of your 3D weapon, you have to use the MOUSE and make sure that you can gain a lot of points by hitting your targets each time you use the weapon. There are going to be different maps prepared for you to become a very good Counter Strike player, so you have to be concentrated 100% in each round you start to play.

It's not going to be easy, because your enemies are going to be spawned in different parts of the game, and you have to make sure that in the shortest time, you will manage to stay alive for as long as possible, and you have to defeat your opponents by shooting them without getting shot.

Your life is going to be limited, so you have to stay hidden and try to hit your targets without getting noticed, so nobody on the map will know your position, and you can defeat as many enemies as possible without getting hurt or killed. Have fun!


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How to play

Use the A, S, W, D keys and the MOUSE to play.
