
Hello Kitty Cheese Cake

  • Date added Hello Kitty Cheese Cake01 Jul 2015
  • Played Hello Kitty Cheese Cake3113
  • No of notes Hello Kitty Cheese Cake18

Play free Hello Kitty Cheese Cake - Hello Kitty Games

Like we told you many times before, Hello Kitty likes doing all kind of interesting stuff and she is behaving just like a real girl, she is not behaving at all like a cat and that is a very fun thing about her because when it comes to this category, you realy have the chance to play some awesome games with the most awesome kitten and we know the fact that many of you kids like cats because they can be pretty friendly. So this new game is about a new passion of Hello Kitty’s and maybe you discovered it from the title of the game already, Hello Kitty likes cooking a lot. This time she decided to make a cheese cake because she is a big fan of that and what else could be more pleasant that to be able to make yourself your own favourite desert. Come and learn how to prepare cheese cake with Hello Kitty. Good luck!

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How to play

Use the MOUSE.
