
Stay Home Princess Makeup Lessons

  • Date added Stay Home Princess Makeup Lessons21 Jun 2020
  • Played Stay Home Princess Makeup Lessons1675
  • No of notes Stay Home Princess Makeup Lessons3

Play free Stay Home Princess Makeup Lessons - Princess Games

You can see even from the title of this new girl game we have for you, Stay Home Princess Makeup Lessons, that the Disney princesses also need to stay home and the three girls who you get to play with today, Rapunzel, Merida the Brave and of course their good friend Jasmine from the very pipular story of Aladdin are al three here because they are bored at home and that is why they want to have all kind of new ocupations.

So that is why we want to invite you to check out this brand new Stay Home Princess Makeup Lessons girl game which we have for you because the girls are going to be really excited about the chance to play with you and they hope you are all going to do your best to help them with the make up they all dream to have.

So you will see that there are a lot of surprises waiting for you here, you get to play with these girls who are creative and can teach you all about tha. So, as we were saying, Merida, Rapunzel and Jasmine are all staying at home and that is why they want to take some make up lessons.

So that means you get to do their makeovers and because these are make up lessons, you are also going to get all the instructions you need. You will see that this Stay Home Princess Makeup Lessons is going to be a different makeover mission than all the rest of them because there are going to teach you a thing or two about make up which is always fun.

So you are going to play one by one with the girls and you needyour creativity to do your best here. You need to take the lipstick shade you think looks the best, the mascara which is the coolest, the eyeshadow and so on and make the girls look amazing. Good luck!

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How to play

use the mouse
