
Optimus Breakout

  • Date added Optimus Breakout30 Jun 2015
  • Played Optimus Breakout6269
  • No of notes Optimus Breakout9

Play free Optimus Breakout - Transformers Games

We hope that you kids are ready for more adventure and fun with the leader of the Transformers team, your favorite cartoon character, Optimus Prime. Optimus is one of the bravest heroes you boys have ever seen, that's for sure, and that's why you love to play games with him. Another reason might be the fact that he is always in a continuous battle, he has a lot of enemies, some of them are the secret millitary agency. In this game, the millitary agency has come after him with their high performance tanks, but Optimus Prime is not scared. He has great chances of winning, mostly because you boys are his allies and will do anything to help him win. In today's game with Optimus Prime, you will have to help him shoot the millitary tanks. At first, you will have only one type of gun and a limmited amount of ammo, so you should not waste it, by, after you shoot the tanks, you will receive enough money to get more performant ammos and items that will help you defeat Optimus enemies. Enjoy boys!

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How to play

Use arrow keys and space.
