
Hazel and Mom Recipes Eggplant Parmesan

  • Date added Hazel and Mom Recipes Eggplant Parmesan07 Apr 2020
  • Played Hazel and Mom Recipes Eggplant Parmesan2766
  • No of notes Hazel and Mom Recipes Eggplant Parmesan20

Play free Hazel and Mom Recipes Eggplant Parmesan - Baby Hazel Games

If you love cooking in real life, you in fact have many things in common with baby Hazel who is a character we hope you all know here n our site, but even if this Hazel and Mom Recipes Eggplant Parmesan is the first time you hear about her, we can promise you that she is just the best and she can't wait to play with all of you and just have the best time ever together with all of you.

So this Hazel and Mom Recipes Eggplant Parmesan is a brand new cooking game with the cute and beautiful baby Hazel who is here together with her mom once again and if you love cooking in real life, we said you have that in common with baby Hazel because, maybe you already know this, but we have many cooking games with her.

Baby Hazel and her mom love speinding time together, of course, and they also love cooking together and they always have the most fun and interesting recipes they can try out together. Well the recipe today in this new girl game is not even that special, is something we all know and all love, is eggplant parmesan as you can see even from the title of this new cooking game.

You will be able to see the two characters talking in the beginning of the game, baby Hazel will tell her mother that she actually doesn;t like eggplant and her mother is still set on doing eggplant parmesan and that is becaus eshe is sure her baby is going to love this recipe.

So you will see that there are actually four levels waiting for you here and in each level you will have a new mission so we really hope you kids are going to be curious enough to come and check it out. Good luck!

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