
Sweet Sixty

  • Date added Sweet Sixty01 Apr 2020
  • Played Sweet Sixty1592
  • No of notes Sweet Sixty3

Play free Sweet Sixty - Princess Games

Well this brand new Sweet Sixty game is going to be a pretty special one and you can see that even from the title of this new girl game, you get to play with Disney princesses and maybe this is the first time you play with them and they are sixty and that is clearly something interesting and fun so of course we hope you are going to be curious to come and try out this new Sweet Sixty because you should see the princesses at sixty, that is a fun story.

So you will see the story in this new girl game even frm the beginning, so you get to play with Ariel the Little Mermaid, with Snow White and even with Aurora the Sleeping Beauty and this new girl game, Sweet Sixty, is a special one for Aurora the Sleeping Beauty because it is her birthday.

You will see that it is Aurora's birthday and her good friends, the DIsney princesses Ariel and Snow White have a present for her, a magical mirror. Well this mirror is clearly a very fun and interesting one because you get to see the girls being old, so that is why this game changes from Sweet Sixteen to Sweet Sixty.

Ariel, Snow White and Aurora can see themselves being sixty and they think it is a fun game and they want to also dress up accordingly. So your mission today is in fact to dress up all three Disney princesses in the perfect outfits for the sixty years old princesses, you should pay attention to make them look amazing and fashionable even though they are old, they still want to look amazing. Good luck!

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