
Easter Egg Bird

  • Date added Easter Egg Bird28 Sep 2019
  • Played Easter Egg Bird1210
  • No of notes Easter Egg Bird3

Play free Easter Egg Bird - Animal Games

We are sure most of you dear kids have played the Flappy Bird game and maybe you have played a lot of other games which ressemble that one and we can tell you that this new Easter Egg Bird which we have for you is going to be one of the coolest flappy bird kind of games you can try out now. So we want to invite you to come and try out this new Easter Egg Bird in which your mission is , well, to have the best time ever. We are sure you can have a fun time with the little birdie who is waiting for you here and she has a lot of levels which you can play , she would love to have your help here, you just need to do your best to get through the columns of course without touching them. Good luck!

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