
Kick Buttowski Coloring

  • Date added Kick Buttowski Coloring23 Jun 2015
  • Played Kick Buttowski Coloring3698
  • No of notes Kick Buttowski Coloring2

Play free Kick Buttowski Coloring - Kick Buttowski Games

Our game site team has the honor to present to you and invite you kids to play the newest game with the famous 11 year old energetic boy, Kick Buttowski. Today's game with your favorite cartoon character is a game in which you will have to use your imagination, creativity and drawing skills, if you want to play this new coloring game with Kick Buttowski, Kick Buttowski coloring. The image you will have to color with the given color pallette, is an image with your favorite cartoon character, Kick Buttwoski, doing some skateboarding tricks he just learned. This image is a scene from the cartoons with Kick Buttowski as a main character, and you can either color it just like in the cartoons, or, you can use your imagination and color it however you think it looks good. This game is very good for testing and improving your drawing skills. Stay tunned kids, we have yet more surprises to come!

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How to play

Use mouse cursor.
