
Easter Sokoban

  • Date added Easter Sokoban16 Apr 2019
  • Played Easter Sokoban1440
  • No of notes Easter Sokoban1

Play free Easter Sokoban - Puzzle Games

Easter Sokoban is a new game we have for you, a new fun and very interesting game which we are sure you are going to enjoy and that is because this brand new Easter Sokoban is, well, a sobokan game, which means you need to push certain items in the places which are marked specially for them, and because this is an Easter themed sokoban, you are going to play with a little bunny and with Easter eggs. So each level is going to be like a maze and you need to hop one step at a time to make the bunny push the Easter eggs in the marked areas for them which is going to be difficult because the frame of each level. And you can get stuck, so you might need to try again and again. of course, it is important to know that you can't push two eggs at once. Good luck!

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