
Silly Snakes

  • Date added Silly Snakes15 Jun 2018
  • Played Silly Snakes1676
  • No of notes Silly Snakes1

Play free Silly Snakes - Animal Games

We really hope you dear kids are going to becurious to come and try out this Silly Snakes new ability game here on our site because we really think you are going to enjoy it and that is important for us. So come and try out this Silly Snakes in which you actually get to be a snake and one of the most important htings for us is that you are going to have the chance to play a multiplayer advenutre here on our site. You are a snake and you have  to control the snake and tou have to eat other points in the game in order to grow and you have to try to make the other smaller snakes run into you in order to transform them into little flashing points and eat them for more points and to grow bigger. Good luck!

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