
Thomas Edison Secret Lab Bejeweled

  • Date added Thomas Edison Secret Lab Bejeweled23 Nov 2016
  • Played Thomas Edison Secret Lab Bejeweled2451
  • No of notes Thomas Edison Secret Lab Bejeweled1

Play free Thomas Edison Secret Lab Bejeweled - Thomas Edison Secret Lab Games

We are pretty sure you kids are all going to be very excited about the chance to try out this brand new game right here on our site, we are sure you are going to have a good time and that is the most impoetant thing for us because, after all , we are here to always make sure you have a good time and with new categories that is a definite thing. For example in this brand new game righ there on our site you get to play with Thomas Edison in his secret lab and maybe he doesn’t need any introductions at all because these are popular cartoons. Well the game we bring you with Thomas Edison is a one of a kind bejeweled game in which your task is pretty obvious, you simply have to do your best and move the pieces In a way to connect three or more of the same kind to make them disappear. Good luck!

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How to play

Use the MOUSE
