
Avatar the Hidden Alphabets

  • Date added Avatar the Hidden Alphabets11 Mar 2015
  • Played Avatar the Hidden Alphabets5598
  • No of notes Avatar the Hidden Alphabets3

Play free Avatar the Hidden Alphabets - Avatar The Last Airbender Games

Welcome into the only place where all your dreams come true, we from try to fulfill your dreams every day with our new, fun and joyfull free online games. Today, we prepared for you guys a new Avatar The Last Airbender game, a game in which your mission is to find all the hidden alphabets in a Aang picture. This picture captures Aang in a battle scene, wich makes our game fun, cool and loved by all the Avatar The Last Airbender fans, so you wouldn`t want to upse any of these people so you will have to be very concentrated. To find all the alphabets which are hidden very well in the battle capture of Aang, you will have to be very carreful and try to maintain concentrated for the whole game and you will want to be very fast in finding all the alphabets because if you are fast enough, you will become one of the fastest hidden alphabets finders in this game and you will have the chance to figh among Aang and his team for the good side. You must be very carreful, because these alphabets are hidden all over the place, even in the most oubvious place in wich you woldn`t even consider to look at. Have Fun!

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How to play

PLay using the MOUSE.
