Wubbzy Underwater Adventure

Added in 17.06.2017, played 222191 times, voted 595 times

7% dislikes

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What is Wubbzy Underwater Adventure?

This is a great title with Wubbzy and we are sure you will enjoy it so we really are happy that we can offer you the chance to try it out because we, the administrative team of the site, are here to make sure that you kids have the chance to have a lot of fun. So come and check out this amazing adventure Wubbzy wants to take you with him in, in this game you will find the whole story of this experience because many games with Wubbzy are this way that before you can actually play the game you will have some fun finding about the story that led to the game. So come and help Wubbzy drive the submarine which won't be a very easy job, but it won't be difficult either if you pay attention to everything you have to do, we trust you to do a very good job and collect all the points and of course get to the destination. Good luck!

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How to play

Use the MOUSE.

What you think about this game?

Others said:

YES!! I used to play this so many times as a kid and it just popped back in my mind today. I really miss those times :D

anabanana in 06.04.2021 00:28

wouldn't it be cool if this game had like a full, fleshed-out version with a functioning damage system, multiple worlds each containing multiple levels, more bosses, maybe powerups and other things? That would be a dream come true, but I doubt that'll ever happen. Unless someone likes this game enough and is talented enough to do that :)

raymond in 12.12.2019 00:11

10/10 WUBBZY IS AWSOME But Sadly,Why did they take out Wow! Wow! Wubbzy from Nick in 2010? :(

Wow Wow Vik in 01.10.2019 21:30

2019 Anyone?

DatYogi in 22.03.2019 01:53

10/10 just enough childhood tears

gen z loser in 10.03.2019 21:50

0/10 too much water

wubbzyfan420 in 12.01.2019 01:25

holi este juego no carga jolin y que tenia muchas ganas de jugarlo

mal902920 in 07.11.2018 19:52

I saw this show in a video and searched it up and remembered this game, childhood remembered!

UncleDan in 21.10.2018 06:52


Casimir IV Jagiellion in 04.10.2018 00:40

my child hood was little bear wow wow wubzzy mrs spider soney patch friends oswald upside down show max and ruby the back yard agains the berestein bears lazy town peppa big olivia nihoo koi lan toot a puddle sponge bob franklin and the shows nowadays arent as good as the 2000s where uncliding disney channel i grew up on these shows i watched them until i was around 12 i miss them all i wish they would come back if any of you werent born in the 2000-2005 yall really missed out on some great shows

asher2345 in 26.09.2018 00:43

This game needs a nerf enemies way too difficult they didn't even let me build a 1x1 cuz there were no mats anywhere 0/10 garbage game brother

This game doodoo in 10.08.2018 06:43

Why does it not work !!!!!1

Enjoli in 01.07.2018 18:43

this is my childhood, you NEED to fix it, it has so much memories, you have to fix it! I even might cry if this game will not work!

Emily in 28.05.2018 03:00

I love this so much. My childhood right here

Macy in 10.02.2018 23:47

Please fix this game! I played it when I was so young and now I found it! Please fix it

Kaelin in 22.10.2017 17:26


John in 03.08.2017 06:03

This game is very boosted and i would like wow wow wubzy

David Zeng in 03.08.2017 06:03

I could really feel the chemistry between me and the game! If this rating out of 10 was on the pH scale, it would be very BASIC!

Matty Craddock in 03.08.2017 05:58

This is my favorite game to play when I am not meditating! It's more fun than every single RPG game. It is even more fun than plucking Konny's toenails!!!!!!!!!

Jason Chen (Chenism's Messiah) in 03.08.2017 05:56

Please I used to play this all the time as a kid, WORK

Siohie in 01.07.2017 14:24

I Love

Monica in 21.06.2017 23:32

I played this game as a kid and I wanted to try it again but it won't load. please fix this.

im way too old for this in 05.06.2017 00:21

i wanna play wow wubbzy underwater adventure

Monique in 19.04.2017 04:16

Doesn't work. Fix NOW! Immediately.......

Brianna Vaques in 28.12.2016 11:53

my game isn't working please help this website do it's job

Kamryn Labbe' in 25.12.2016 01:37