Wabbit Batter Up
15 Jun 2016
Play free Wabbit Batter Up - Looney Tunes Games
Well it is time to offer you a new and fun online game and this time it is a game in which the main character is your friend Bug Bunny and Will-E Coyote . The game is a fun one in which you need to use you skills in order to stop Will from his new plan, throwing grenades . You will Play with bug Bunny and you will have to strike all the greanades and send them back to Will-E. If you love three grenades than you will lose the game and Will-E’s plan will be a total success. You need to be very careful and anticipate all of his next moves in order to succeed stoping him. You will have to move from left to right as your enemy does and pay attention when he will throw the grenade. If you did not succeed from the first try, than try again because the second time you know what you are expecting. We are happy to see you joining us in this new and fun action games with Bugs Bunny and the Coyote, but stay tuned because we will offer you even more new and fun games with your favourite characters. Have fun!!!
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How to play
Use mouse to play!!!