
Bubble Guppies Firefighter Knight to the Rescue

  • Date added Bubble Guppies Firefighter Knight to the Rescue20 Feb 2015
  • Played Bubble Guppies Firefighter Knight to the Rescue13532
  • No of notes Bubble Guppies Firefighter Knight to the Rescue67

Play free Bubble Guppies Firefighter Knight to the Rescue - Bubble Guppies Games

We have the pleasure to offer you another new and beautiful online game, this time a game in which we are sure that you will have alot of fun playing with us. The adminstrative team of has decided that now is the right moment to offer you this new and beautiful type of game, a new adventure game in which the main characters are your Bubble Guppie friends. In this new and beautiful online and adventure game you have to protect the kingdom and become a brave firefighter with your favoritecharacters and friends Molly, Gil and Bubble Puppy. There is a fire-breathing dragon in the kingdom and you need to hep your friends stop him and and put out the fires. You will get some instructions along the way and molly and Gil will always talk to you and guide you. They are very happy that you are willing to play this new and beautiful game that they have to offer and that is why they invite you to join them and get pass every obstacle of this game in order to save the kingdom. Have fun with your Bubble Guppies friends!

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How to play

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