Blazing Team Games

Blazing Team Games - check all the 4 Games

The action of the series revolve around the main character Jennifer, Terrence, Samuel and Axel. Samuel and Axel are rivals , each one of them want to become the best yo-yo player and they will compete against one another. In their first contest, Axel won in front of Samuel in a contest in California.

Now that we have managed to start offering you more and more online categories, we have decided that now it is the perfect time to offer you more and more new online categories of games in which you will get to know even more new characters and enjoy your time with them. Here in this new and fun online category you will find games with the characters from the Blazing Team Series. We know that you love the characters form this series and that you have been waiting for us to start offering you this new and fun online games with your friends. We hope that you will have more and more fun while playing all this games with them. For those of you who hear of the Blazing Team series for the first time, we have a few details to offer, to help you getting to know them better and enjoying even more the games that they have to offer. The action of the series revolve around the main character Jennifer, Terrence, Samuel and Axel. Samuel and Axel are rivals , each one of them want to become the best yo-yo player and they will compete against one another. In their first contest, Axel won in front of Samuel in a contest in California. Ever since he keeps telling Samuel that he is the best and that he could never beat him because he has amazing techniques. Samuel decided to learn more about the power of the yo yo and he goes to China to learn. He was selected by a school coach in a yo-yo team , trainer and sponsored by him because the school has no funds for the team. In the beginning Samuel was not so happy with the team members, but day by day after each practice they started bonding, respect each other and learn more and more about the secret of the yo-yo art power. They will train together and learn many things while doing so, and they will also manage to win the biggest yo-yo competition. The series have a number of seasons in which the team goes in many more adventures and they want you to join them and to play all the amazing games that they have to offer especially for you. Are you in for this new and fun online category of games? Well has been waiting for quite a while to offer it to you and we have the pleasure to offer in it all the fun games with the main character for you to play. You will get to know the characters better while playing the games that they have to offer especially for you , here in this new and fun online category. We invite you to explore it and all the other fun categories that we have the pleasure to offer to you every single day. Like and Share our website on Facebook and Google and enjoy the newest games that we have to offer for you every time. Have fun!!!